Rules and Regulations


  1. Parents must register permanent mobile phone number with the school on which SMS and other massages are sent. In case of change in mobile number they must notify the changed number in writing immediately.
  2. Parents are requested to see that their child adhere the school uniform properly.
  3. Wearing of fancy shoes, jewellery, unruly hair and fancy haircuts like mushroom cut etc. streaking/highlighting of hair by fashion hair colours are not permitted.
  4. Parents/ Guardians are not permitted to enter in class rooms to meet their children, to seek unscheduled meetings with teacher during school hours.
  5. Parents are requested to attend PTM on 2nd Saturday of every month. Children accompanying their parents during PTM days must come in school uniform.
  6. No strangers are allowed to meet students.
  7. Parents who make independent transport arrangement for their ward by hiring, private vehicles will be fully responsible for the same. They must ensure that proper verification of driver is done and all safety measures are taken. School authorities are not responsible for the same.
  8. Students are not permitted to carry cellular phone. Any cell phone if brought to the school shall be confiscated and returned to the student concerned only at the time of issuing T.C. or withdrawal of student from school.
  9. Students are not allowed to drive motorized vehicles such as motorcycles, scooters, cars within or outside the school.
  10. At the end of each terminal examination report cards will be given to parents only on fixed schedule dates.
  11. Any bunking/missing classes intentionally using abusive language illegal or immortal conduct, persistent violation of school shall be dealt with suspension/expulsion of student.
  12. Any misbehaviour with teachers will be dealt with expulsion of student.
  13. Parents are requested to go through all messages sent by school.
  14. Please do not send your child to school if he/she is feeling unwell. A proper medical leave/ application must be submitted by parents.
  15. Once the child has come to the school, parents/guardians are not permitted to take him/her back to home during the school hours unless there is a major emergency.
  16. No half day leave is permitted. In case of any family function or other programme parents are requested not to send the child to the school.
  17. Irregular attendance, unexplained absence from school, habitual late coming without permission, disobedience and any type of unruly and objectionable behaviour in the school premises are considered to as act of indiscipline which can lead to his/her expulsion from school.
  18. Children are expected to attend school regularly. Under affiliation Bye-Law of the CBSE, All students are expected to log in a minimum attendance of 75% of the total working days in the academic session.
  19. If unauthorized absence exceeds to the period of 30 days, it shall be presumed that the parent are not willing to continue their Child's education.
  20. If the unauthorized absence exceeds a period of 30 days the name of the absent student will struck off from the rolls of school. A penalty shall be charged in case of re-joining the school.
  21. Monthly fees must be paid positively by 10th of every month. Non-payment of the same for two consecutive months will lead to struck off the name of student from school. In above case the re-admission will be permissible by principal / school management with penalty and with prevailing rules & regulations.
  22. For issuing of T.C. 15 days prior application is required.

 Note:- No item of non-vegetarian food is allowed in Tiffin/lunch box of the students.


All students are expected to fulfill the 3 Basic Expectations of RAW


Basic Expectations



Respect People and Property

Students are to be respectful in attitude and manner to people and property.


Attend School Regularly

Students are to attend all academic programmes, co-curricular activities, school functions and other school related programmes.


Do and Submit Work

Students are to work diligently not only on assigned daily class work, homework, projects and others but also have regular self-revision in order to ensure quality work is produced.